Sunday, October 16, 2011


Have you ever wanted to give your birds something nutritious but easy.  My favorite is giving my birds veggies.  I buy a bag of frozen mixed veggies.  Like the kind with peas, green beans, corn and carrots.  I put it into a microwave safe dish, add a tiny bit of water, cover and cook long enough to thaw and make the veggies warm.  Drain the water, then I use my food chopper and chop it into little tiny pieces.  Let it cool till it is either completely cool or just barely warm. 
Then if you have any birdie vitamins, you can add it to the veggies and stir.  I put my veggies on a paper plate and place it in the bottom of the cage, and here they come.  My birds are so used to goodies being on the paper plate that when they see me coming near the cage with the plate, they come over to see what I have.
The reason I use the paper plate is it is easy to clean up after they are finished or after its been out for about 2 hours.  Just throw it away. 
Don't ever leave fresh foods out for more than 2 - 4 hours due to bacteria growing.  It can harm your birds.
I hope you give this a try and make your birds happy and healthy, just remember not every day, maybe about once a week till they get used to it.  Then twice a week is very nice.

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